Bikes and Frames
Cargo Bikes & Frames
- big dummy, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- big dummy big fat dummy frame insert instructions, [pdf] - 369KB
- big easy 1.0 bosch manual, [pdf] - 32.4MB
- big easy 1.0 dual battery instructions, [pdf] - 850KB
- big easy 2.0 bosch manual, [pdf] - 26.4MB
- big easy 2.0 dual battery instructions, [pdf] - 1.9MB
- big easy frame sheet, [pdf] - 672KB
- big fat dummy frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- skid loader bosch manual, [pdf] - 16.4MB
- skid loader dual battery instructions, [pdf] - 1.6MB
- skid loader frame sheet, [pdf] - 687KB
- skid loader rear rack instructions, [pdf] - 1.6MB
- 1x1 fork fork instructions, [pdf] - 205KB
- astm 2 universal fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- astm 3 universal fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- big dummy fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- big easy fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- bridge club fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- cross chck fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- dinner fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- disc trucker fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- ecr 27.5 fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- ecr fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- ice cream truck fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- instigator 1.0 fork instructions, [pdf] - 160KB
- karate monkey fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- krampus fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- long haul trucker fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- lowside fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- midnight special fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- moonlander fork instructions, [pdf] - 166KB
- non-suspension-corrected troll fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- ogre fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- ogre fork non suspension corrected, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- pacer fork instructions, [pdf] - 162KB
- preamble fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- pugsley 100mm fork instructions, [pdf] - 165KB
- steamroller fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- straggler fork instructions, [pdf] - 7.0MB
- surly fork spec, [pdf] - 83KB
- troll fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
- wednesday fork instructions, [pdf] - 6.9MB
Pavement Bikes & Frames
- cross-check, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- midnight special frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- preamble instructions, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- steamroller frame sheet new, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- straggler frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
Touring Bikes & Frames
- bridge club frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.0MB
- disc trucker frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- ecr frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- grappler frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- long haul trucker, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- ogre instructions, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- pack rat frame sheet, [pdf] - 803KB
- pugsley frame sheet, [pdf] - 372KB
- troll instructions new, [pdf] - 1.5MB
Trail Bikes & Frames
- ice cream truck frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- karate monkey instructions new, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- krampus instructions, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- lowside frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- moonlander pinion instructions, [pdf] - 8.0MB
- wednesday frame sheet, [pdf] - 1.5MB
Miscellaneous Instructions
- bill and ted trailer instructions, [pdf] - 778KB
- frame warranty, [pdf] - 170KB
Parts & Accessories
- 10 12 adapter washers instructions, [pdf] - 546KB
- 8 24 pack rack instructions 1.0, [pdf] - 1.3MB
- 8 24 pack rack instructions 2.0, [pdf] - 1.6MB
- big dummy bag version 2.0 instructions, [pdf] - 1.5MB
- bottom bracket instructions, [pdf] - 244KB
- cable hanger instructions, [pdf] - 108KB
- chainring instructions, [pdf] - 165KB
- cheater bar instructions, [pdf] - 3.2MB
- cogs lockrings, [pdf] - 111KB
- component warranty, [pdf] - 177KB
- corner bar instructions, [pdf] - 3.3MB
- dingle cog instructions, [pdf] - 111KB
- double wide kickstand instructions, [pdf] - 948KB
- dummy bag instructions, [pdf] - 1.3MB
- dummy deck instructions, [pdf] - 362KB
- dummy hitch instructions, [pdf] - 481KB
- dummy rails instructions, [pdf] - 367KB
- excellent adventure axle instructions, [pdf] - 461KB
- hurdy gurdy chain tensioner, [pdf] - 441KB
- kickstand plate instructions, [pdf] - 131KB
- kid corral instructions, [pdf] - 2.2MB
- little dummy bag instructions, [pdf] - 1.2MB
- lockring instructions, [pdf] - 111KB
- modular dropout system mds instructions, [pdf] - 737KB
- moloko bar instructions, [pdf] - 3.3MB
- moloko handlebar bag instructions, [pdf] - 493KB
- monkey nut v1 instructions, [pdf] - 556KB
- monkey nut v2 instructions, [pdf] - 237KB
- monkey nut v3 instructions, [pdf] - 335KB
- mountain frame bag dimensional fit chart, [pdf] - 727KB
- mr whirly, [pdf] - 439KB
- mwod chainring instructions, [pdf] - 214KB
- od crank instructions, [pdf] - 455KB
- open bar instructions, [pdf] - 3.2MB
- petite porteur house bag instructions, [pdf] - 614KB
- porteur house instructions, [pdf] - 1.1MB
- rack fit guide, [pdf] - 430KB
- rail collar instructions, [pdf] - 405KB
- rear disc rack instructions, [pdf] - 498KB
- round peg instructions, [pdf] - 974KB
- seatpost clamp instructions, [pdf] - 108KB
- singleator1, [pdf] - 384KB
- snuggnut instructions, [pdf] - 258KB
- ss spacer kit, [pdf] - 168KB
- straggle check frame bag dimensional fit chart, [pdf] - 182KB
- sunrise handlebar instructions, [pdf] - 3.3MB
- terminal bar instructions, [pdf] - 3.3MB
- the rack - front, [pdf] - 367KB
- the rack - rear, [pdf] - 816KB
- track cog instructions, [pdf] - 111KB
- trailer stub axle bolt instructions, [pdf] - 659KB
- truck stop handlebar instructions, [pdf] - 3.2MB
- tuggnut, [pdf] - 32KB
- tv tray instructions, [pdf] - 265KB
- ultra new axle kit instructions, [pdf] - 400KB
- universal thru axle instructions, [pdf] - 269KB
- wheel-rim-tire-instructions, [pdf] - 672KB
- whip lash gear strap instructions, [pdf] - 493KB
Retired Items
- blowerdrive, [pdf] - 238KB
- fixxer, [pdf] - 135KB
- hubs, [pdf] - 167KB
- instigator, [pdf] - 111KB
- old 1x1 hubs, [pdf] - 175KB
Owner's Manuals
Safety manuals and downloads for all products can be found on the Safety page.